One of my favorite metaphors for a purposeful and meaningful life is the forest metaphor. I think the forest metaphor is what we need to think more about these days…
This unique creation of Mother Earth is a perfect example of a trustful and respectful partnership, a wonderful self-sustainable ecosystem. In the forest the trees and the rest of the “green” party peacefully and joyfully coexist with all the other parties like animals, birds, insects, germs, micro-organisms, etc. There is no competition, just cooperation, the “help me to help you” approach is seen and felt everywhere, above and below the earth. You have seen and unseen friends and supporters, none of them pretending to be more arrogant and more self-aware of its height, standing or stamina, and by this having a more significant contribution than the rest… I once found a wonderful BBC documentary about the “Magic Trees” belonging to the actress Judi Dench – unfortunately, it is no longer available. If you find it somewhere, please watch it – it is eye-opening, magic and phantastic😊.
And if you want to be in service of others, pay it forward and make a difference in the world – this metaphor is a very good starting point for your “Why?” and your “What?” and even your “How?”. It will be the inspiration you need to move on and make things happen. There is something memorable and inspiring for anyone in the forest metaphor.
For me, every single person and every single action counts when it comes to moving the needle, there is nothing small or insignificant about your involvement and support. And, in general, when you are trying to figure out your purpose, your life mission or just your direction for the future.
This comes from a person who has spent over 20 years trying to change the mentality around CSR and “good deeds” in an Eastern European country. I have poured my heart into every single project and campaign I started and developed over the years. I believed in all these social causes; I promoted them, and I did everything I could to keep them up and running and relevant for the financial supporters. For me now, there is nothing more fulfilling than the continuation of these projects. This is one splendid example of legacy projects – even when the initiator is no longer with the team, the project is continued, still relevant and worth protecting- and fighting for funding. Just like the forest…
And I am talking about my former employer (Henkel) who has been supporting, for over 20 years, the involvement of its employees in social volunteering actions under the umbrella of the initiative “Make an Impact on Tomorrow” (MIT). Under this umbrella, the company provides material and financial support to important social projects, in which Henkel employees are involved as volunteers. Since 2000, Romania has been extremely active in terms of MIT projects, the first being to support the Children’s Day Center in Petrila, the company’s longest-running CSR project, carried out together with Save the Children Romania, in which over the years more than 100 Henkel Romania employees have been involved, from all departments and divisions of the company.

Copyright: Lavinia Toma @ CommUnity by LT

Copyright: Lavinia Toma @ CommUnity by LT
I can proudly say, I was always the chief volunteer applying for the MIT funding in most of these 20 years, even when I moved to Dusseldorf. I organized workshops, seminars and trainings at Petrila Day Care Center (photo); I made sure the funding for the summer camps is always available for the children with very good school results (this is how we motivated them to learn and stay in school). I personally got involved in setting up X-mas toy drive, charity events, activities to get extra funding and/or attract volunteers. And I became very fond of the Center staff, especially the once Director of the Center, another true WomderWoman and an extraordinary teacher, with a heart of gold.
Now, in my new chapter I try to instill in my Teens the desire to help others unconditionally, just because they can at a certain point in time and context. One of them is Andreea, who, just like a wonderful tree, is now carrying on the tradition, supporting the community center near her new university, in a new country, a new environment, a different context. And I am very proud of this Tree, who grows now on different soil and is getting used with another forest. But still, a forest is a forest everywhere – the same rules apply.
I hope you agree with me – the forest is the perfect metaphor for a purposeful and meaningful life!